The Papers: MPs say China is a ‘threat’ and the ‘Kate effect’

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The headline on the front page of the i newspaper reads: "UK Cabinet clash on how to fight China spy threat"
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Many of Tuesday's papers react to China being formally accused by the British government of being behind "malicious" cyber campaigns against MPs and the UK's elections watchdog. The i newspaper says the cabinet is divided on how to respond to the threat, adding that MPs who have reportedly been targeted are "underwhelmed" by the response to sanction two individuals and one Chinese company. China has consistently denied accusations of espionage and wrongdoing.
The headline on the front page of the Daily Express reads: "Tory MPs: We now must label China 'a threat to Britain'"
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Leading the battle cry for tougher action is former Conservative Party leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith – one of the MPs who was targeted by hackers. The Daily Express says he is calling for the UK to designate China as a "threat" as the United States has done. Sir Iain is a member of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, which scrutinises, and often criticises, the activities of Beijing.
The headline on the front page of the Daily Mail reads: "Fury at 'feeble' rebuke to China"
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The Daily Mail says there is "fury" over the UK's "feeble rebuke to China" in its headline. The paper says Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is under mounting pressure to "finally get tough with China".
The main headline on the front page of the Times reads: "China set to be declared a threat to national security"
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The Times reports that Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden has indicated ministers are poised to declare China a threat to national security following revelations of the scale of cyber attacks. The paper also features a photo of a tractor convoy outside Westminster on Monday as part of a farmers' protest over the government's food production policy. The protest follows months of similar demonstrations in Europe.
The headline on the front page of the Daily Mirror reads: "The Kate effect"
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The Daily Mirror continues its coverage of the reaction to Catherine, the cancer diagnosis of the Princess of Wales. Alongside a photo of Catherine, the paper says her video message last week has triggered a spike in online searches about the disease. "The Kate Effect" is its headline.
The headline on the front page of the Sun reads: "Brave Kate saves lives"
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The Sun says Catherine's "brave" message will save lives, according to NHS England's cancer chief. Her revelation has inspired hundreds of thousands of people to get checked, the paper says.
The main headline on the front page of the Guardian reads: "Israel isolated after UN security council demands Gaza ceasefire"
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The Guardian turns its attention to the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. The paper says Israel has become isolated from its allies after the UN Security Council called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza for the first time since war began in October. It has also demanded the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages taken by Hamas. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the US, in exercising its veto, has "abandoned" its previous position which directly linked a ceasefire to a hostage release.
The headline on the front page of Metro reads: "'Drink drive' death of our angels"
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A photo of smiling, five-year-old Linnea, who died with her mother Destiny after they were hit by a car in Plymouth, is Metro's main image. A 74-year-old woman has been arrested on suspicion of causing death by careless driving and driving while unfit through drink or drugs.
The main headline on the front page of the Daily Telegraph reads: "Secret court for speeding and TV fines must end"
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The tractor convoy is also pictured on the front page of the Daily Telegraph. But the paper is leading with calls from magistrates to overhaul "secretive" court hearings used for prosecutions on speeding, TV licence offences and truancy. The paper says they have resulted in "vulnerable people" being prosecuted behind closed doors in absentia or without legal representation.
The main headline on the front page of the Financial Times reads: "Boeing chief Calhoun to step down in shake-up after door panel safety crisis"
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The Financial Times reports that the CEO and chair of airplane manufacturing giant Boeing will be stepping down in an attempt to draw a line under a deepening crisis over the firm's safety record. It comes after an unused door blew out of a Boeing 737 Max jet in January shortly after take-off.
The headline on the front page of the Daily Star reads: "Vampires and zombies do walk among us"
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And the Daily Star is urging people not to panic despite what it describes as "vampires and zombies" walking among us. Psychological disorder expert Dr Brian Sharpless has told the paper there are people who have a desire to drink blood for sexual pleasure, as well as people who believe their organs are rotting from the inside.
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